Billy Park

Web Developer


A passionate computing graduate with a strong interest in web development, I enjoy learning new technologies and my goal is to eventually work with every aspect of web development and become a full-stack web developer. I hope to find a position working with modern web technologies that will allow me to utilise and develop my skills in a practical environment.


Github Battle

"Battle" your friends & colleagues on Github!

Github Battle

Github Battle is a project following a tutorial on the fundamentals of ReactJS by Tyler McGinnis from It allows a user to choose two github users and have them "battle" based on their standing on github as well as showing popular repos in different languages.

Made using ReactJS.

My Dev Blog

A place for me to talk about my web development antics

My Dev Blog

This blog is built using GatsbyJS which for me was a great opportunity to get a little more experience working with ReactJS + Webpack, all while learning about static site generators, Netlify and Netlify CMS. GatsbyJS is in their own words, a "blazing-fast static site generator for React" and it certainly seems to live up to that statement in my limited experience with it building this blog.

A place where I can talk in a little more detail about the new technologies I'm learning.

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